

Presentation of the design view regarding the sub-packages of org.cybnity.framework.domain project.


The technical description regarding behavior and best usage is maintained into the Javadoc of each component.

Class Type Motivation
ActivityState State of activity (e.g active or not active) regarding a subject that can be used as an activity tag for any type of subject
Aggregate Represents a scope of information providing attributes and/or capabilities as a complex domain object. An aggregate root of the process entity domain is defined via immutable attributes (e.g ValueObject, EntityReference of other domains’ objects, ChildFact historical and identified fact) and/or mutable attributes (e.g MutableProperty objects)
ApplicationService Represent a component of a service layer hosted by a domain boundary
CommandHandlingService Represent a component which manage handlers regarding specific Aggregate type
CommonChildFactImpl Reusable generic implementation class as child of immutable historical fact
CompletionState Represent a state of completion defining by a name and optionally by a percentage value about reached completion rate
ConcreteSnapshot Represent a snapshot of object (e.g aggregate version) which is manageable by a store (e.g as history of snapshots serialized and re-hydrated)
DomainEntity Basic and common domain entity implementation object. A domain entity IS NOT MODIFIABLE and is equals to an identifiable fact. A domain entity DOES NOT CONTAIN MUTABLE properties.
A domain entity can represent an aggregate root (equals to an identification mean) which is an identifiable domain object (e.g persistent business object as immutable version of a complex domain object) attached to an aggregate domain object
DomainEventInMemoryStoreImpl Implementation of EventStore based on in-memory storage
DomainEventPublisher Publishing service from a domain model as repository service for Aggregates notifying their state changes
EventRecord Represent a recorded fact relative to an event which is manageable by a store, including the original version of event tracked and extracted informations allowing to store/retrieve it
EventStore Persistence system of event and aggregate types regarding a single bounded context
EventStream Append-only nature stream of domain events in order of occurrence regarding a domain object
IAggregate Identifiable fact that defines a consistency boundary including multiple related objects (e.g domain and/or value objects)
IApplicationService Applicative behaviors contract regarding an application layer
IAggregate In a Domain-Driven Design (DDD), an aggregate defines a consistency boundary. An aggregate may consist of multiple related objects, all of which could be persisted together (e.g atomic operation)
IContext Generic contact allowing to share and provide information in an area of usage
IDomainModel Referential model for a domain, a specification (e.g defined via sub-interface of this one) provide several types of definitions regarding domain’s entities, value objects, services and ubiquitous language elements usable in the domain
IDomainRepository Represents a persistence-oriented repository (also sometimes called Aggregate store, or Aggregate-Oriented database) basic contract for a bounded context.
For example, manage the domain data (e.g sharded database for a tenant) ensuring isolation of persistent domain model from the other bounded contexts
IDomainStore Stream store (with an append-only approach) which maintain history of a type of domain fact (e.g Aggregate versions).
For example, manage the domain data (e.g sharded database for a tenant) ensuring isolation of persistent domain model from the other bounded contexts
IDomainEventSubscriber Interest contract to be notified when types of facts are changed
IEventStore Contract regarding storing (with append-only approach) and hydration of a type of event (e.g versions stream)
ISnapshot Represent a specific state of value regarding a subject (e.g full state aggregate instance)
INotificationService Publishing of events from event store via messaging infrastructure
NotificationLog Log event regarding an identifiable domain fact
Predecessors Utility class providing capabilities supporting the management of predecessors and dependent contents
Repository Preservation of domain objects. Each persistent Aggregate type have a repository
SessionContext Implementation class of a ISessionContext
SocialEntity Represent a social entity instance (e.g a company, a person) which define an identifiable structure (e.g organizational, physical)
Tenant Represent a logical context (e.g organization dedicated) subscription that allow to define a scope into a multi-tenant application with a name which facilitates the users registrations through invitation


Several packages are implemented to organize the components (e.g specification elements, implementation components) additionnaly to these provided by this package.


Several types of domain events are defined by each applicative domain. This package includes enabler and utilities classes which are reusable by the domain implements.

Class Type Motivation
CommandFactory Factory of command event supported by a Anti-Corruption Layer
ConcreteCommandEvent Generic event regarding a CRQS command type to execute a resource change via a topic and that can be treated by a domain
ConcreteDomainChangeEvent Generic event regarding a change occurred on a topic relative to a domain
ConcreteQueryEvent Generic event regarding a CQRS query command type to execute a search or read of resources via a topic and that can be treated by a domain
CorrelationIdFactory Factory of correlation identifier reusable into command event
DomainEventFactory Factory of domain event (e.g domain aggregate change; bounded context event) supported by a Anti-Corruption Layer
EventSpecification Utility class regarding event specification


Class Type Motivation
ActivityState State of activity (e.g active or not active) regarding a subject that can be used as an activity tag for any type of subject
Aggregate Represents a scope of information providing attributes and/or capabilities as a complex domain object. An aggregate root of the process entity domain is defined via immutable attributes (e.g ValueObject, EntityReference of other domains’ objects, ChildFact historical and identified fact) and/or mutable attributes (e.g MutableProperty objects)
CommandHandlingService Represent a component which manage handlers regarding specific Aggregate type
CommonChildFactImpl Reusable generic implementation class as child of immutable historical fact
CompletionState Represent a state of completion defining by a name and optionally by a percentage value about reached completion rate
DomainEntity Basic and common domain entity implementation object. A domain entity IS NOT MODIFIABLE and is equals to an identifiable fact. A domain entity DOES NOT CONTAIN MUTABLE properties.
A domain entity can represent an aggregate root (equals to an identification mean) which is an identifiable domain object (e.g persistent business object as immutable version of a complex domain object) attached to an aggregate domain object
DomainEventPublisher Publishing service from a domain model as repository service for Aggregates notifying their state changes
EventRecord Represent a recorded fact relative to an event which is manageable by a store, including the original version of event tracked and extracted informations allowing to store/retrieve it
EventStore Persistence system of event and aggregate types regarding a single bounded context
EventStream Append-only nature stream of domain events in order of occurrence regarding a domain object
IAggregate In a Domain-Driven Design (DDD), an aggregate defines a consistency boundary. An aggregate may consist of multiple related objects, all of which could be persisted together (e.g atomic operation)
IDomainEventSubscriber Interest contract to be notified when types of facts are changed
IDomainModel Referential model for a domain, a specification (e.g defined via sub-interface of this one) provide several types of definitions regarding domain’s entities, value objects, services and ubiquitous language elements usable in the domain
IEventStore Contract regarding storing (with append-only approach) and hydration of a type of event (e.g versions stream)
ISnapshot Represent a specific state of value regarding a subject (e.g full state aggregate instance)
ITransactionStateObserver Contract of notification supported by a component observing transactions status
MutedAggregateFactory Factory of an aggregate that provide instance prepared specifically according to a type of aggregate
NotificationLog Log event regarding an identifiable domain fact
Predecessors Utility class providing capabilities supporting the management of predecessors and dependent contents
Repository Preservation of domain objects. Each persistent Aggregate type have a repository
SessionContext Implementation class of a ISessionContext
SocialEntity Represent a social entity instance (e.g a company, a person) which define an identifiable structure (e.g organizational, physical)
Tenant Represent a logical context (e.g organization dedicated) subscription that allow to define a scope into a multi-tenant application with a name which facilitates the users registrations through invitation
  init: {
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        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    Entity <|-- DomainEntity
    FactRecord <|-- EventRecord
    ICommandHandler <|-- IAggregate
    ProcessManager <|-- CommandHandlingService
    Context <|-- SessionContext
    ISessionContext <|.. SessionContext

    class ISessionContext {
    class CommandHandlingService {
        -recipientOfCommands : IAggregate
        -notifiablePublishers : Set~DomainEventPublisher~
        #recipientOfCommands() IAggregate
        #getNotifiablePublishers() Set~DomainEventPublisher~
        #setNotifiablePublishers(Set~DomainEventPublisher~ notifiablePublishers)
    class ProcessManager {
    class ICommandHandler {
    class IAggregate {
        +root() EntityReference
    class Entity {
    class DomainEntity {
        +identified() Identifier
        +immutable() Serializable
        +versionHash() String
    class EventRecord {
        +immutable() Serializable
        +versionHash() String
    class IDomainModel {

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
        'fontSize': '18px',
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        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    ChildFact <|-- CommonChildFactImpl
    ChildFact <|-- SocialEntity
    ChildFact <|-- NotificationLog
    Aggregate <|-- Tenant
    HydrationCapability <|.. CommonChildFactImpl
    CommonChildFactImpl <|-- Aggregate
    IAggregate <|.. Aggregate
    Serializable <|.. Aggregate
    MutableProperty <|-- ActivityState
    Tenant ..> Predecessors : use
    Tenant *-- "0..1" TenantDescriptor : label
    Tenant *-- "0..1" ActivityState : activityStatus

    class HydrationCapability {
        +mutateWhen(DomainEvent change)
        +replayEvents(EventStream history)
    class ChildFact {
    class Predecessors {
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Identifier childOriginalId)$ Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Collection~Identifier~ childOriginalIds)$ Identifier
    class Tenant {
        +status() ActivityState
        +activate() MutableProperty
        +deactivate() MutableProperty
        +setLabel(TenantDescriptor name)
        +label() TenantDescriptor
        +immutable() Serializable
        +versionHash() String
        +identified() Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Identifier childOriginalId) Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Collection~Identifier~ childOriginalIds) Identifier
    class NotificationLog {
        +NotificationLog(Entity loggedEvent, Identifier logEventId)
        +versionHash() String
        +identified() Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Identifier childOriginalId) Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Collection~Identifier~ childOriginalIds) Identifier
    class SocialEntity {
        +SocialEntity(Entity predecessor, Identifier id)
        +SocialEntity(Entity predecessor, LinkedHashSet~Identifier~ identifiers)
        +versionHash() String
        +identified() Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Identifier childOriginalId) Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Collection~Identifier~ childOriginalIds) Identifier
    class CommonChildFactImpl {
        +CommonChildFactImpl(Entity predecessor, Identifier id)
        +CommonChildFactImpl(Entity predecessor, LinkedHashSet~Identifier~ identifiers)
        +versionHash() String
        +identified() Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Identifier childOriginalId) Identifier
        +generateIdentifierPredecessorBased(Entity predecessor, Collection~Identifier~ childOriginalIds) Identifier
    class Aggregate {
        +root() EntityReference
    class IAggregate {
    class Serializable {
    class ActivityState {
        +isActive() Boolean

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
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        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    ISubscribable <|.. DomainEventPublisher
    ISubscribable <|.. Repository
    ISubscribable <|.. EventStore
    IEventStore <|.. EventStore
    Unmodifiable <|.. EventStream
    Serializable <|.. EventStream

    class Serializable {
    class ISubscribable {
    class EventStore {
    class IEventStore {
        +append(DomainEvent event)
        +findEventFrom(Identifier uid) DomainEvent
        +loadEventStream(Identifier uid) EventStream
        +loadEventStream(Identifier uid, int skipEvents, int maxCount) EventStream
    class Repository {
    class IDomainEventSubscriber~T~ {
        +handleEvent(T event)*
        +subscribeToEventType()* Class~?~
    class DomainEventPublisher {
        +instance()$ DomainEventPublisher
        +subscribe(IDomainEventSubscriber~T~ aSubscriber) ~T~
        +remove(IDomainEventSubscriber~T~ aSubscriber) ~T~
        +publish(T aDomainEvent) ~T~
        +reset() DomainEventPublisher
    class EventStream {
        -version : int
        -events : List~DomainEvent~
        +immutable() Serializable
    class Unmodifiable {
    class CompletionState {
		+name() String
		+percentage() Float


Class Type Motivation
ApplicationService Represent a component of a service layer hosted by a domain boundary
IApplicationService Applicative behaviors contract regarding an application layer
INotificationService Publishing of events from event store via messaging infrastructure
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
        'fontSize': '18px',
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        'secondaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    IWriteModel <|-- IApplicationService
    IApplicationService <|.. ApplicationService
    class IWriteModel {
    class IApplicationService {
    class ApplicationService {
    class INotificationService {
        +findNotificationLog(Identifier logId, EventStore store) NotificationLog
        +currentNotificatiopnLog() NotificationLog


Class Type Motivation
AbstractSnapshotProcess Snapshot generation and persistence can be delegated to a background thread, following an event stream evolutions
DomainEventInMemoryStoreImpl Implementation of EventStore based on in-memory storage
IDomainRepository Represents a persistence-oriented repository (also sometimes called Aggregate store, or Aggregate-Oriented database) basic contract for a bounded context.
For example, manage the domain data (e.g sharded database for a tenant) ensuring isolation of persistent domain model from the other bounded contexts
IDomainStore Stream store (with an append-only approach) which maintain history of a type of domain fact (e.g Aggregate versions).
For example, manage the domain data (e.g sharded database for a tenant) ensuring isolation of persistent domain model from the other bounded contexts
ResourceDescriptor Common description of a resource managed into a Redis context
SnapshotProcessEventStreamPersistenceBased Implementation class of a snapshot process which produce and manage snapshots
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
        'fontSize': '18px',
        'primaryColor': '#fff',
        'primaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'secondaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    IFactStore~T~ <|-- IDomainStore~T~
    IFactRepository~T~ <|-- IDomainRepository~T~

    class IFactStore~T~ {
    class IFactRepository~T~ {
    class IDomainRepository~T~ {
        +nextIdentity(ISessionContext ctx) T
        +factOfId(Identifier aFactId, ISessionContext ctx) T
        +remove(T fact, ISessionContext ctx) boolean
        +removeAll(Collection~T~ aFactCollection, ISessionContext ctx)
        +save(T aFact, ISessionContext ctx) T
        +saveAll(Collection~T~ aFactCollection, ISessionContext ctx)
        +queryNameBasedOn() String
    class IDomainStore~T~ {
        +append(T fact, ISessionContext ctx)
        +findEventFrom(Identifier uid, ISessionContext ctx)
    class DomainEventInMemoryStoreImpl {

Infrastructure.util sub-package

Utility classes supporting the infrastructure components.

Class Type Motivation
AbstractDataViewConvention Convention reference relative to an element managed into a data view (e.g pattern of date) and/or read-model of views.
This type of convention is helping to standardize shared elements between systems which are using data views’ elements
DateConvention Convention relative to the translation of a date into or from a string version managed into the infrastructure layer

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