

Presentation of the requirements relative to the installation and/or operating of systems that are used into the deployable environments detailed in each sub-folder (per module).

Any type of prerequisite can be defined by a selected tool according to its version (e.g defined by its open source project documentation), or can be specifically identified by CYBNITY for the kind of usage implemented (e.g limited to a specific environment size defined per IT activity).

This catalog of identified requirements allow to help the definition of resources (e.g minimum CPU, minimum memory size, ideal storage size) implemented at the infrastructure level (e.g Platform As A Service, or Infrastructure As A Service layer) and considered as part of the CYBNITY deployment view.

Theses prerequisites are about tools supporting the software activities (e.g development, test, operating, monitoring…) executed to deliver CYBNITY artefacts and services. They shall be considered as requirements for support tooling used (e.g by projects developers) to build and maintain the CYBNITY software components.

Each prerequisite is categorized according to the type of resource allocation need (e.g software or hardware layer).


Tools and required resources supporting all the environments involved into the CYBNITY delivery activities.


|System / Solution|Software Layer|Hardware Layer|Documentations| |:–|:–|:–|:–| |Halyard|- local machine (MacOS, Ubuntu/Debian), or VM (Ubuntu 18.04+, Debian 10+), or Docker container
- RAM: 12GB minimum||Halyard is a command-line administration tool that manages the lifecycle of a Spinnaker deployment, including writing & validating a deployment’s configuration, deploying each of Spinnaker’s microservices, and updating the deployment.
Install and configure spinnaker; local install doc; docker install doc| |Spinnaker|RAM: 16Go minimum
|CPU: 4 cores minimum|Install and configure spinnaker|


These prerequisites are about technologies and/or systems (e.g open source database systems) included or compatible with the CYBNITY software versions, that shall be considered as minimum requirements for deployment of CYBNITY systems.

System / Solution Software Layer Hardware Layer Documentations
HAProxy Debian 9+ - CPU: 2 cores (minimum)
- RAM: 1GB (minimum), 2GB (typical)
- Storage: 20GB (minimum)
Keycloak Java 8, Docker (JVM memory limited heap size 750MB to 2GB max) - RAM: 512M-1000MB
- Storage: 1GB+
Resources sizing; Container installation
PostgreSQL Linux - CPU: 1GHz dual core
- RAM: 2GB
- Storage: 2GB
Redis   Development:
- RAM (per node): 4GB (minimum), 10GB+ (recommended)
- Storage (per node): 10GB (minimum), 20GB+ (recommended)
- CPU (cores per node): 4 (minimum), 8+ (recommended)
- RAM (per node): 15GB (minimum), 30GB+ (recommended)
- Ephemeral RAM storage: RAMx2 (minimum), >= RAMx4 (recommended)
- Snapshots persistent storage: RAMx3 (minimum), >= RAMx6 (recommended)
- Network: multiple NICs (>100Mbps) per node: 1G (minimum), 10G+ (recommended)
Redis enterprise HW requirements
Kafka Java 11 Minimum:
- CPU: multiple cores
- RAM: 32Go
- CPU: 24 cores
- RAM: 64Go
Kafka in production
Cassandra Debian 8-9, Java 11 Production:
- CPU: 2 cores (minimum), 8+ cores (typical)
- RAM: 8Go (minimum), 32GB (typical)
- Storage: SSDs
Hardware choices


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