

Presentation of the structural components regarding architecture implementing domain-driven design patterns.


Several structural patterns are supporting the domain (e.g event sourcing) and are reusable (e.g by inheritance) for coding of application domains elements.

Key Components

For more detail, the technical description regarding behavior and best usage is maintained into the Javadoc of each component.

Class Type Motivation
AbstractDataViewVersionTransactionImpl Implementation class template representing an unit transaction (e.g create of a data-view version), that is specific to a Query Language supported by the graph model (e.g Gremlin with TinkerPop) for execution of a change operation
AbstractDTOMapper Implementation class type allowing instantiation of DataTransferObject (e.g degraded data view) from other type of object (e.g domain aggregate object). This type of mapper shall be customized by subclass according to the type of DTO expected as output of structure conversion
Attribute Represent a characteristic which can be add to a topic (e.g a technical named attribute which is defined on-fly on an existing object, including a value). It’s more or less like a generic property assignable to any topic or object (e.g property on a workflow step instance).
For example, can be use to defined a tag regarding a property added to a domain or aggregate object
Command Imperative and identifiable element that is a request for the system to perform a task
DataTransferObject Container of destructured data usable for transport of contents between layers and domains
DomainEvent Determine something that has happened in the system (e.g typically as a result of a command, or a change observed regarding a bounded context)
FactTypeDeserializer Custom deserializer of fact type supporting multiple instantiation parameters
FactTypeSerializer Custom serializer of any type of FactType object
IBoundedContext Represent a defined perimeter providing resources
ICommandHandler Responsible of actions realization requested via Command event
IDataTransferObjectMapping Contract of mapping between an object type and a DataTransferObject version
IProjectionTransaction Transaction relative to a projection that can be executed to apply change on data-view projection
IReadModel Denormalized dto repository (also named Query Model) supporting CQRS pattern
IReadModelProjection Represents an optimized read-model projection allowing query and read of denormalized version of domain layer object (e.g status and value of a domain object version at a moment of life)
IService Domain service usable to perform a significant business process created in a domain model when the operation feels out of place as a method on an Aggregate or a Value Object
ISessionContext Context regarding a moment of interaction (e.g user interaction with system)
ISnapshotRepository This capability allow to produce or to find the latest snapshot of an Aggregate instance as snapshots which are serialized copies of an Aggregate’s full state, taken at certain moments in time, and that can reside in an Event Stream as specific versions
IState Represent a providing contract regarding the description of a state (e.g a process step) based on a collection of attributes. A state can include sub-state into its life cycle
ISubscribable Contract of notifications reception about fact events
IValidationNotificationHandler Handling of problems detected on a subject (e.g Entity attribute) implementing deleted validation approach
IViewModelGenerator Manager of destructured data production regarding read model view usable by UI layer
IWriteModel Also named Command Model, segregation element (e.g event store) of CQRS pattern managing change commands and normalized data
MutableAttribute Attribute that can be changed, and which need to be historized in an immutable way the history of changes (version of this information)
ProcessManager Behavior design pattern, is a mediation component that distribute messages when complex routing between Aggregates
SerializedResource Represent a resource based on a serialized resource (e.g java object) that is including a description
TypeVersionDeserializer Custom deserializer of type version supporting multiple instantiation parameters
TypeVersionSerializer Custom serializer of any type of TypeVersion object
UnidentifiableFactNotificationLog Log event regarding a fact that was not previously identified but requiring attention (e.g system failure, unknown fact observed
Validator Implementation class of Specification pattern or Strategy pattern that detect invalid state of subject and informs observers
ValueObject Describes a thing in a domain that can be maintained as immutable and integral unit


Presentation of the design view of the org.cybnity.framework.domain main project’s artifacts package.

  init: {
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        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    IHistoricalFact <|.. DomainEvent
    IDescribed <|.. DomainEvent
    IReferenceable <|.. DomainEvent
    IdentifiableFact <|.. DomainEvent
    IdentifiableFact <|.. Command
    IHistoricalFact <|.. Command
    IReferenceable <|.. Command
    IDescribed <|.. Command
    Evaluations <.. Command : use
    IContext <|-- ISessionContext
    IContext <|-- IBoundedContext

    class DomainEvent {
        -occurredOn : OffsetDateTime
        -identifiedBy : Entity
        +DomainEvent(Entity uid)
        +correlationId()$ Attribute
        +getIdentifiedBy() Entity
        +identified() Identifier
        +valueHashCodeContributors() String[]
        +hashCode() int
        +equals(Object event) boolean
        +occurredAt() OffsetDateTime
        +reference() EntityReference
    class IHistoricalFact {
    class IdentifiableFact {
    class IContext {
    class IBoundedContext {
    class Serializable {
    class IReferenceable {
    class ISessionContext {
        +tenant() Tenant
    class Command {
        #identifiedBy : Entity
        #occurredOn : OffsetDateTime
        +Command(Entity identifiedBy)
        #assignCorrelationId(String eventIdentifier)
        +getIdentifiedBy() Entity
        +correlationId()$ Attribute
        +generateCorrelationId(String salt)
        +identified() Identifier
        +valueHashCodeContributors() String[]
        +hashCode() int
        +equals(Object event) boolean
        +occurredOn() OffsetDateTime
        +reference() EntityReference
    class IReadModel {
    class IWriteModel {
        +handle(Command command)
    class IQueryResponse {
    class IService {

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
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        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    ICommandHandler <|.. ProcessManager
    Identifier <|.. IdentifierStringBased
    IDataTransferObjectMapping <|.. AbstractDTOMapper
    IDataTransferObjectMapping ..> DataTransferObject : mappingTo
    AbstractDTOMapper ..> DataTransferObject : realizeConversionTo
    class ICommandHandler {
        +handle(Command command, IContext ctx)
        +handledCommandTypeVersions() Set~String~
    class DataTransferObject {
        +equals(Object obj) boolean
    class ProcessManager {
        -mediated : HasMap
        #context : IContext
        +ProcessManager(IContext ctx)
        #managedHandlers()$ HashMap
        #delegation() HashMap
    class ISubscribable {
        +subscribe(DomainEventSubscriber~T~ aSubscriber) ~T~
        +remove(DomainEventSubscriber~T~ aSubscriber) ~T~
    class IValidationNotificationHandler {
        +handleError(String message)
    class IViewModelGenerator {
    class IDataTransferObjectMapping {
        +convertTo(Object source) T
    class AbstractDTOMapper {

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
        'background': '#ffffff',
        'fontFamily': 'arial',
        'fontSize': '18px',
        'primaryColor': '#fff',
        'primaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'secondaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryBorderColor': '#0e2a43',
        'lineColor': '#0e2a43',
        'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
    Entity <|-- UnidentifiableFactNotificationLog
    ValueObject~T~ <|-- IdentifierStringBased
	IState ..> Attribute
    Attribute ..|> IVersionable
    class UnidentifiableFactNotificationLog {
        -originalFacts : List~IHistoricalFact~
        +UnidentifiableFactNotificationLog(Identifier logEventId, IHistoricalFact... loggedFacts)
        +originalFacts() List~IHistoricalFact~
        +immutable() Serializable
        +versionHash() String
        +identified() Identifier
    class Entity {
    class Validator {
        -notificationHandler : IValidationNotificationHandler
        +Validator(IValidationNotificationHandler notified)
    class Identifier {
    class IdentifierStringBased {
        -value : String
        -name : String
        +IdentifierStringBased(String name, String value)
        +build(Collection~Identifier~ basedOn)$ Identifier
        +immutable() Serializable
        +name() String
        +value() Serializable
        +valueHashCodeContributors() String[]
    class ValueObject~T~ {
        valueHashCodeContributors()$ String[]
        +equals(Object obj) boolean
        +hashCode() int
    class IVersionable {
	class Attribute {
		-value : String
		-name : String
		+name() String
		+value() String
		+immutable() Serializable
	class IState {
		+properties() Collection~Attribute~
		+subStates() List~IState~
	class MutableAttribute {
        +value() Attribute


See complementary presentation of detailed structure models implemented into the sub-packages.

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